Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Mental note of things not to do at the office.

OOOOoooohhhh that smell...

Do Not, under any circumstances, open a can of tuna in the women's bathroom.

although the jokes that followed were numerous and funny.


Dr Zibbs said...

Hahahahaa. Did anyone say anything?

SkylersDad said...

Bwaaa ha ha ha!! I can only imagine.

Anonymous said...

I'd make a 'Lindsay Lohan forgot her panties again' joke.

But I'm common.

Leonesse said...

Dr. Z, yes, her coworker said something. "You should see the look on the faces when they walk in the door." It hit like a ton of bricks.

SkylersPappy, stop imagining, you know it gets you in trouble!

T.V.A., damn, if only I had thought of that! Well, and wasn't the new girl. ...HA! Who am I kidding, I am the new old woman.

BeckEye said...

Actually, that would be a step up from some of the things I've smelled in the women's bathroom. I've honestly thought to myself before, "It smells like a dirty pussy in here." And I know that sounds crass and all, but there's really no other way to put it. And I am really more crass than the disgusting woman who obviously doesn't wash her cootch?

Leonesse said...

I, unfortunately, have been there. And ugh, the thought that comes with the smell. I mean, gross.

Dale said...

Who even brings food into the bathroom?

Le Meems said...

I second hat Dale.