Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Words cannot describe...

"Judge orders Chinese Muslims into U.S. from Gitmo

WASHINGTON (AP) — A federal judge has ordered the release of a small group of Chinese Muslims from Guantanamo Bay into the United States.

In a landmark decision, U.S. District Judge Ricardo M. Urbina said it would be wrong for the Bush administration to continue holding the detainees, known as Uighurs since they are no longer considered enemy combatants.

They have been in custody for almost seven years and have been cleared for release since 2004. Although the Chinese government has demanded custody of the Uighurs, supporters and the Bush administration fear they would be tortured* if turned over to Beijing.

On Tuesday, Urbina called the detention unlawful saying the Constitution prohibits indefinite imprisonment without charges.

The Uighurs have been at Guantanamo Bay since the U.S. military took custody of them in Pakistan and Afghanistan in 2001. Efforts by the Bush administration to find a home for the detainees has been complicated by fears in many countries of diplomatic reprisals by China."

*....As opposed to what happens at Gitmo? Can someone please explain this logic? There has to be logic in there somewhere? Please? And SEVEN YEARS? Without legal counsel? WTG America!


Leonesse said...

I see no one is feeling particularly political lately. I understand. Bullshit fatigue.

It's still mindblowingly insane, though, isn't it? Seven years, no charges, and they don't want to let them go in case they get tortured?


T said...

Always be careful where you tread, because it just may be somewhere in Afghanistan.

If Watts, CA had it's own government and was at war with anyone that wasn't black, you wouldn't catch me there unless I was trying to take it over or kill someone. And I don't think I would be lucky enough just to be detained (for however how long) if captured.

I know, my example is not anywhere near where you have referenced, but it's just details. Good people are killed everyday when they venture into an area they shouldn't, AS DO BAD PEOPLE. So maybe the common sense you refer to should be pointed in those detainees direction.(?)

Leonesse said...

t: I try to have my roots deeply into logic. It was illegal and against everything America has always stood for. Not just this one thing, but so many things.