In this day and age, I certainly understand why a company wants to do a background check. After living in the HellHole I just moved from, I can most assuredly understand this, however, when the HR guy is telling you what to put on and take off of your information so there is no problems passing the background check, hasn't things gone a little too far?
I was offered a job after a background check that took 3 hours from one company that does it's background stuff in-house and I turned it down for this job. Is it because the University has contracted out this difficult job? How is it that you can't find a short term project job I had nearly 4 years ago when IT IS YOUR JOB to find it and are holding up my precious employment?
And at what point do you acknowledge that since every other stinking thing has checked out and I have nary a speeding ticket and decent credit, don't you just let it go and freaking let them give me a job? Especially when I know 4 other people who work there who got the job on the SAME DAY they interviewed, before this new policy was implemented. And these people have a plethora of tattoos and one has those freakingly huge ear plugs.
My Birthday, and My Friend Nadine
2 months ago
I wish that lady on the bottom was my dry cleaner.
She seems nice.
HR people are not to be trusted.
It'd be a good look for you.
Looks like you found a potential jewelry customer for me. Thanks.
Usually employers request for background checks for new employee. It is important for them to know if they have criminal record, credit score and also the past employment verification.
many companies now doing background checks to their employees especially during they hiring decisions to be ensure that the applicant or employee has no criminal records, they doing this just to ensure that their company are safe and protected.
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