So, I was WAY overdressed for my interview today. When they tell you you are meeting with two managers and being tested at a university, you assume you should bring out the pinstriped suit. Then you arrive and find yourself surrounded by people in polo shirts and some of the women had on fancy flipflops. One even had both bra straps showing because she was wearing a sleeveless tunic.
I am not feeling that I got this position once they saw my resume and then told me that the position was basically entry level data entry. I impressed the hell out of them with my mad Excel skills and was asked to stop using my quick strokes or 'cheats' as they called them at first, then told me to go ahead once they saw I knew the long way to do something. However, I saw several of the people go and sit at their desks, so they are internal candidates. Methinks it will go to one of them instead.
The pisser? Every damn one of those people on the floor were smiling and joking with each other. I would love to work in this environment. And their word of the day they were to work into a conversation? Mary Poppins.
I want to work anywhere the word of the day is Mary Poppins. I personally heard a "Let's get the Chim-chiminy out of here." as they left for lunch and "Have a Supercalifragilistic Day" by a pair as they separated to go down different aisles with razzing in between. I miss a good razzing, dammit.
On another note, our old dog seems intent on chewing off his tail. It is half bald and I am afraid I will wake up tomorrow to a stub. WTF? If any dog has ever needed prozac, this would be the one.
Oh, and damned if I am not out of beer.
Where the hell is my silver lining? And yes, that means I would settle for Coors Light!
My Birthday, and My Friend Nadine
2 months ago
You could have pulled out a tape measure and measured yourself, then told them "As I expected, Leonesse, practically perfect in every way!"
That would have sealed the deal me dear...
Coors Light? I thought you were talking about beer...
Job interviews are stressful. But it's much better to be overdressed and overqualified than the other way around! So says the man with no job.
Those Excell skillz sound hot.
If I had to work Mary Poppins stuff into my workday, I'd kill myself. But it sounds nice otherwise? :-)
I would have loved to get into MP's Chim-Chimeney, -and I would have given her a few tuppence too!
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